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Why do we need to progress?

Savitha emailed a note about her recent blog post about progress, which touched up on a point which me/Anand was also discussing the yesterday during Adruth's birthday. I've been blogging about this since a while checkout By 2034...Education...Parent lotteryUp to something...Schooling...Listen to the art of listening.

The word progress is loaded with expectations of advancing & looking at a kid only this context gets taxing i feel. When progress thought of as a defined path of advancement, it is illusion. If such a formula for advancement existed - world would have been a better place irradicating the poverty, isn't it?

The world has been unfair. Including my kids has a fair advantage of being born in such a well placed family which is the parent lottery! Enabling kids to listen always with the fresh open prespective & deep love may lead ot understanding the value of equality of resources.