Note: I'm not a great economist, analyst, genius but a common man with limited knowledge. But I'm learning & this post is to capture those thoughts to reflect and improve as I learn.
Election is approaching & the country is discussing about the leaders, reforms & policies. I thought it would be a great idea to document what I feel.
A friend of mine asked me how did current governance impact me?
Election is approaching & the country is discussing about the leaders, reforms & policies. I thought it would be a great idea to document what I feel.
A friend of mine asked me how did current governance impact me?
- I fear to express my support to an ideology. Who knows I might become a Maoist in jail?
- I fear to express I'm Muslim.
- I fear to express I eat beef.
- I fear to keep the money in Indian rupee because who knows if it will value much.
- I fear to deposit money in the bank as it is uncertain if my money will be there. Esp. Lost the trust in banks & what financial institution can do for me like demonetization.
- I don't bother to raise questions against countries situation as they attack people ideology than addressing the problem.
- I fear what more tax reform & policies will get enforced without any planning or execution capability.
- I fear extreme steps taken towards neighboring countries. This is where we needed diplomacy.
- I fear my groceries will cost more as petrol is skyrocketing.
- I fear about hospital & education expenses in Bangalore or major cities.
The list continues but there are few states in India where "I feel" some of these aspects are decently under control. The feel can be converted into fact only by seeing the data.
We're getting to a point where we need to talk about the options as a common man we've. BJP vs. INC will go on & on.
We're getting to a point where we need to talk about the options as a common man we've. BJP vs. INC will go on & on.
What are the implications of a government on this nation?
A nation is represented by a government. I get that but I would like to know apart from a marginal and/or seasonal effects does government legislation create any major impact to Indian economy?
- The government administration workers like the officers, admins, IAS, IPS, etc. mostly are the same. They work on a day to day basis on problems or work based on the regional needs. The employment in these areas doesn't grow drastically.
- The private sector is mostly driven by business, CEO, CFO etc. They work towards sales, profit. If you create a product which has good demand it will sell. So value generation happens like that which provides more employment etc.
My basic question is if there are millions of people who are working hard to create the value for their customers. This contributes significantly to our economy. That will decide the economic fate of a country.
Political parties are execution engines of focused agendas or goals. Hence if execution of certain schemes or agendas or goals is not done well it will seasonally impact on economy. But those impacts might be seasonal & limited to a few sectors but on a long-term that will get stabilized
Political parties generally postpone key legislation roll-outs post-election. There might be other shocks which a political party can infuse like Demonetization or Good & Service Tax (GST). This will definitely pull the growth down but long term it will grow due to the common man's efforts. Isn't it?
Administration & economy has self-running systems in place which won't go terribly bad if we have a miserable governance. But it will definitely pull us back a bit. That miserable governance is what has been pulling India back in spite of the growth which common man contributed.
So it is crucial to understand the problem, its root cause and device something to address that.
Why is there so much of disconnect?
We elect these governmental bodies and still there is a huge disconnect in expectations. The concept of a single leader or party solving the key problems is highly unlikely.Administration & economy has self-running systems in place which won't go terribly bad if we have a miserable governance. But it will definitely pull us back a bit. That miserable governance is what has been pulling India back in spite of the growth which common man contributed.
So it is crucial to understand the problem, its root cause and device something to address that.
Hoping for a 3rd party to solve is like we look for gurus. One guru after the other. But I never think someone else will solve these problems for me. So my thoughts are formed with a strong sense of contribution which I can make. That too in a practical way,
- The key to injustice or corruption is in human. But why that gets formed? Everyone thinks in their own ways. 90% of us who elect these governmental bodies are not educated hence making actions that results in injustice & corruption. By educated i didn't college or degree but understanding the key problems, facts & root causes. So it is crucial for all of us to start writing (a blog which can be published in a mins) about these issues in a comprehensive manner, keep discussing these problems with data+facts then it will enlighten us & others. Eventually, resulting in a great social movement leading to many solutions. We need it to be comprehensive as none of the short chat or debate formats has ever worked to provide solutions.
- Even with present & earlier leaders (Pinarayi to Manmohan to Modi or Rahul) there is a lot of talking points ideas but seriously lack execution in achieving the goals. They don't have tools! Neither they plan to build tools or build strategy to roll-out these plans really well with no or minimal causalities. Before we cast our vote, can we help voters to demystify this for them? As a group, can we build tools or frameworks that help society?
- Extreme thoughts gets such a great attention & are being enjoyed by audiences. There a lot of common people who've a balanced view of the affairs but those never gets heard. Hope diversity of thoughts gets the merit it deserves. To ensure that each one of us should view the content being shared with some baseline principles & avoid promoting extremist thinking.
- I think the key for us to do is to ensure that kids are really keen on economics & knows how to "elect". തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക (To elect) is such a great skill even electing a class, electing a life partner, electing a leader or electing himself to lead.
Does the above fit into the need of citizen governance?