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Showing posts with the label Aquarium

Planted aquarium learnings

Been 7 years since I’ve set up an aquarium. I had to leave my last aquarium at Hyderabad. Below shown is my old aquarium setup from 2013. A lot of things have changed and have been made easy nowadays to build a good scape but still a lot of scope for innovation. 2013 tank After many weeks, I’ve my new aquarium. The new tank is getting ready & will update this post once fully setup. I thought of capturing these for future references & also might be a great way to learn. Some of these are basics but still, I kind of forgot due to the time.  The mindset of the setup is that what you’re setting up is really fragile. A small mistake (not just because of you but due to external factors) result in losing a decent amount of money. So always start with a small one, I eventually settled on 60x45x45cms with 10mm thickness which I regret now. I feel 30x30x30cm is a great start! New tank after 2-months: Invest in basics.  Always go for clear or extra clear glass, the aquasca

Track: Aquarium - 1 month old

Understanding CO2 Cylinder Marking

I had recently acquired a CO2 cylinder which has the below marking and after some  on-line  research I found that the meaning is as follows: CO2 - 2 TP250 V3.0 W6.13 BXXXX XXX 2011/03 Marking Meaning : CO2-2:  Filling gases - Carbon Dioxide  TP250:  Test pressure - 25MPA  V3.0:  Volume - 3.0L  W6.1:  Weight - 6.1KG  BXXXX XXX:  Product No. 2011/03:   Hydrostatic Test Date -  CO2 cylinders needs hydrostatic testing every 5 years

Identifying Algae Eaters - Siamese Algae Eater, Garra Taeniata, Flying Fox & Chinese Algae Eater

Courtesy: Features SAE Garra Taeniata Flying Fox Chinese Algae Eater Horizontal Stripe Edge Zig-Zag Smooth Smooth Uneven Extend to Tail Yes No Yes No Lt. Stripe Above sometimes Yes Yes ? Dorsal Region Reticulated - Black Edged Scales Solid Grayish Brown Fins Dorsal Transparent Dark lower rays & yellowish Dark bands & white tips Transparent Anal Transparent Yellowish ? Transparent Pelvic Transparent Yellowish ? Transparent Mouth ? Smal, non-clinging suckermouth (maybe with red/pink) Clinging sucker mouth Barbel 1 pair 2 pairs 2 pairs none